Eijiro Miyako's Laboratory
Creation of Game-Changing Technology

Very Important Papers (VIPs)
*: Corresponding Author
1) Yue Yu, Xi Yang, Sheethal Reghu, Sunil C. Kaul, Renu Wadhwa, Eijiro Miyako*
“Photothermogenetic inhibition of cancer stemness by near-infrared-light-activatable nanocomplexes”
Nature Communications 11, 4117 (2020).
Featured in a Nature Communications Editors’ Highlights. Press released from JAIST and highlighted in many media (EurekAlert, AlphaGalileo, Science Daily, News Medical Life Sciences, Bioengineer, News Colony, Microbioz India, ScienMag, MedicalXpress etc.).
2) Svetlana A. Chechetka, Yue Yu, Xu Zhen, Manojit Pramanik, Kanyi Pu, Eijiro Miyako*
“Light-driven liquid metal nanotransformers for biomedical theranostics”
Nature Communications 8, 15432 (2017).
3) Eijiro Miyako*, Kenji Kono, Eiji Yuba, Chie Hosokawa, Hidenori Nagai, Yoshihisa Hagihara
“Carbon nanotube-liposome supramolecular nanotrains for intelligent molecular-transport systems”
Nature Communications 3, 1226 (2012).
Highlighted in Nature Japan and BPoD. Press released in AIST and highlighted in various Newspapers (Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun, Kagaku Kogyo Nippo, Nikkei Biotech, Nikkei Press Release etc.).
4) Eijiro Miyako*, Tomonori Deguchi, Yoshihiro Nakajima, Masako Yudasaka, Yoshihisa Hagihara, Masanori Horie, Mototada Shichiri, Yuriko Higuchi, Fumiyoshi Yamashita, Mitsuru Hashida, Yasushi Shigeri, Yasukazu Yoshida, Sumio Iijima*
“Photothermic regulation of gene expression triggered by laser-induced carbon nanohorns”
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109, 7523–7528 (2012).
Press released in AIST. Highlighted in Newspapers (Asahi Shimbun, Yomiuri Shimbun, Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Kagaku Kogyo Nippo etc.).
5) Yamato Goto, Seigo Iwata, Mikako Miyahara, Eijiro Miyako*
“Discovery of intratumoral oncolytic bacteria toward targeted anticancer theranostics”
Advanced Science 10, 23016 (2023).
Featured on a frontispiece (cover picture) in issue 20 of Advanced Science. Elected as a "Hot Topic: Tumors & Cancer" in Wiley-VCH. Press released from JAIST. Highlighted in news media (Advanced Science News, JST News, Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Tokyo Shimbun, Hokkoku Shimbun, Zaikei Shimbun, Yahoo News, Science Portal, University Journal, TABI LABO, EurekAlert, AlphaGalileo, News Medical, Medical Xpress, Labiotech, Technology Networks, The Microbiologist, Big News Network, and Physician's Weekly etc.).
6) Eijiro Miyako*, Hideya Nagata, Ken Hirano, Takahiro Hirotsu
“Micropatterned carbon nanotube–gel composite as photothermal material”
Advanced Materials 21, 2819–2823 (2009).
7) Yun Qi, Mikako Miyahara, Seigo Iwata, Eijiro Miyako*
“Light-activatable liquid metal immunostimulants for cancer nanotheranostics”
Advanced Functional Materials 34, 2305886 (2023).
Invited paper. Elected as a "Hot Topic: Tumors & Cancer" in Wiley-VCH. Press released from JAIST. Highlighted in news media (Hokkoku Shimbun, Hokuriku Chunichi Shimbun, EurekAlert, AlphaGalileo, Phys Org, Nano Werk, NEWS Medical Life Science, Mirage News, Biotech News, Bioengineer, and Nouvelles Du Monde, etc.).
8) Matteo Andrea Lucherelli, Yue Yu, Giacomo Reina, Gonzalo Abellán, Eijiro Miyako*, Alberto Bianco*
“Rational chemical multifunctionalization of graphene interface enhances targeting cancer therapy”
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59, 14034-14039 (2020).
Elected as "Inside Back Cover". Press released from JAIST and highlighted in many media (EurekAlert, AlphaGalileo, Phys. Org., Nanotechnlogy Now, The Medical News, GEN, Nano Werk, AlphaGalileo, 7th Space Family Portal, Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News, and News Medical Life Sciences etc.).
9) Yue Yu, Eijiro Miyako*
“Manipulation of biomolecule-modified liquid-metal blobs”
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 56, 13606-13611 (2017).
10) Svetlana A. Chechetka, Eiji Yuba, Kenji Kono, Masako Yudasaka, Alberto Bianco, Eijiro Miyako*
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 55, 6476-6481 (2016).
Elected as "Very Important Paper (VIP)".
11) Eijiro Miyako*, Svetlana A. Chechetka, Motomichi Doi, Eiji Yuba, Kenji Kono
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54, 9903–9906 (2015).
Press released in AIST. Highlighted in a lot of information media (Nikkan Kogyo, Kagaku and Zaikei Shimbun, J-Net21 etc.).
12) Eijiro Miyako*, Julie Russier, Matteo Mauro, Cristina Cebrian, Hiromu Yawo, Cécilia Ménard-Moyon, James A. Hutchison, Masako Yudasaka, Sumio Iijima, Luisa De Cola, Alberto Bianco*
“Photofunctional nanomodulators for bioexcitation”
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53, 13121–13125 (2014).
Press released in AIST and CNRS, Newspapers (Kagaku Kogyo Nippo and Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun etc).
13) Eijiro Miyako*, Chie Hosokawa, Masami Kojima, Masako Yudasaka, Ryoji Funahashi, Isao Oishi, Yoshihisa Hagihara, Mototada Shichiri, Mizuki Takashima, Keiko Nishio, Yasukazu Yoshida
“A photo-thermal-electrical converter based on carbon nanotubes for bioelectronic applications”
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 50, 12266–12270 (2011).
Elected as a press release of Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.. Highlighted in various information media such as Nature, Chemistryview, Nanowerk and Physorg etc. Press released in AIST and highlighted in Newspapers (Asahi Shimbun, Mainichi Shimbun, Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Kagaku Shimbun, Dempa Shimbun etc.).
14) Eijiro Miyako* Hideya Nagata, Ken Hirano, Takahiro Hirotsu
“Carbon nanotube–polymer composite for light-driven microthermal control”
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 47, 3610–3613 (2008).
Highlighted in Nature Asia Materials.
15) Yan Lyu, Chen Xie, Svetlana A. Chechetka, Eijiro Miyako*, Kanyi Pu*
“Semiconducting polymer nanobioconjugates for targeted photothermal activation of neurons”
Journal of the American Chemical Society 138, 9049-9052 (2016).
Elected as the "top 1%" highly cited paper by Web of Science.
16) Eijiro Miyako*, Takushi Sugino, Toshiya Okazaki, Alberto Bianco, Masako Yudasaka, Sumio Iijima
ACS Nano 7, 8736–8742 (2013).
Elected as a press release of American Chemical Society. Highlighted in many information media such as New Scientist, The Japan Daily Press, and Biophotinics etc.
17) Sheethal Reghu, Eijiro Miyako*
Nano Letters 22, 1880-1888 (2022).
Press released from JAIST. Highlighted in news media (EurekAlert, AlphaGalileo, Phys Org, News Medical, Florida News Times, Nano Magazine, Physics World, and Nanowerk etc.).
18) Svetlana A. Chechetka, Yue Yu, Masayoshi Tange, Eijiro Miyako*
“Materially engineered artificial pollinators”
Chem 2, 224-239 (2017).
Elected as "Front Cover Art". Highlighted in Preview of Chem. Press released in Cell Press. Highlighted in a lot of information media (ABC.au, ABC Radio.au, ABC.es, the Australian.au, Boing Boing, Christian Science Monitor, C & EN, China Science Daily.cn, CNN, The Conversation, Daily Caller, Daily Dot, Daily Mail.uk, Discovery Channel Seeker, the Economist, Forbes, Geek, Gizmodo, Huffington Post.au, i.uk, IFLscience, Inhabitat, International Business Times, Kurier.at, LiveScience, Los Angeles Times, the Mary Sue, Mashable, NBC News, New Scientist, Newsweek, Newsy (video), New York Post, NZZ.ch, Orf.at, le Parisien.fr, Popular Mechanics, Popular Science, la Presse.ca, Quartz, the Register.uk, San Diego Union-Tribune, San Francisco Gate, Science/AAAS, Scientific American, Smithsonian, Standard.at, Sueddeutsche.de, Technology Review, Times.uk, the Verge, Vesti.ru, VICE Motherboard, VNexpress.vn, Wired.de, Wired.it, Wired.uk, Wyborcza.pl, Yahoo! News, ZDnet, Zeit.de, etc.).
19) Sheethal Reghu, Seigo Iwata, Satoru Komatsu, Takafumi Nakajo, Eijiro Miyako*
“Cancer immunotheranostics using bioactive nanocoated photosynthetic bacterial complexes”
Nano Today 52, 101966 (2023).
Elected as cover picture. Press released from JAIST. Highlighted in news media (Hokkoku Shimbun, The Nikkei (The Nihon Keizai Shimbun), Nikkei Business Daily, EurekAlert, AlphaGalileo, Phys Org, NEWS Medical, Bioengineer, and Nouvelles Du Monde, etc.).
20) Xi Yang, Satoru Komatsu, Sheethal Reghu, Eijiro Miyako*
“Optically activatable photosynthetic bacteria-based highly tumor specific immunotheranostics”
Nano Today 37, 101100 (2021).
Press released from JAIST and highlighted in many media (EurekAlert, AlphaGalileo, Phys Org, Science Daily, News Medical Life Sciences, Media IT Tech, Globe Health News, Health Safe Tips, Health Care Forbes, Eminetra, Western Online News, Technology Times, Holapty, Head lines Mania, Nach-Welt, Oncology News Australia, 4 State News, Washington News Post, Daily Post USA, Genius-Science etc.).
21) Mikako Miyahara, Yuki Doi, Naoki Takaya, Eijiro Miyako*
"Photocatalytic scaffolds enhance anticancer performances of bacterial consortium AUN"
Chemical Engineering Journal 499, 156378 (2024).
Press released from JAIST. Highlighted in news media (EurekAlert, AlphaGalileo, Phys Org, Newsweek Japan, Yahoo News Japan, News Medical, GEN News, the microbiologists, ecancer, Inside Precision Medicine, and Ma Clinique, etc.).
22) Tengfei Wang, Yun Qi, Eijiro Miyako*, Alberto Bianco*, Cécilia Ménard-Moyon*
Small 2307337 (2024).
Press released from JAIST. Highlighted in news media (Hokkoku Shimbun, EurekAlert, AlphaGalileo, Phys. Org, Nanowerk, World Pharma News, Drug Target Review, Scienmag, Science Times, AZoNano, and Miragenews, etc.).
23) Eijiro Miyako*, Hideya Nagata, Ken Hirano, Takahiro Hirotsu
“Photodynamic thermoresponsive nanocarbon–polymer gel hybrids”
Small 4, 1711–1715 (2008).
24) Yun Qi, Eijiro Miyako*
"Multifunctional magnetic ionic liquid-carbon nanohorn complexes for targeted cancer theranostics"
Small Science In Press (2025).
Selected to be featured on the front cover art of the issue. Press released from JAIST. Highlighted in news media (EurekAlert, AlphaGalileo, Phys Org, Bioengineer Org, News Medical, AZoNano, ScienceDaily, ecancer, medtour, and Ma Clinique, etc.).
25) Nina Sang, Yun Qi, Shun Nishimura, Eijiro Miyako*
"Biomimetic functional nanocomplexes for photothermal cancer chemoimmunotheranostics"
Small Science 4, 2400324 (2024).
Selected to be featured on the back cover art of the issue. Press released from JAIST. Highlighted in news media (Hokkoku Shimbun, Kagaku Shimbun, EurekAlert, AlphaGalileo, Phys Org, Miragenews, Bioengineer Org, Nanowerk, News Medical, ecancer, Ma Clinique, Datilin, Madarinian News, and Scienmag, etc.).
26) Nishant Kumar, Sajid Fazal, Eijiro Miyako*, Kazuaki Matsumura*, Robin Rajan*
“Avengers against cancer: A new era of nano-biomaterial-based therapeutics”
Materials Today 51, 317-349 (2021).
Elected as inner cover art.
27) Eijiro Miyako*
“Convergence of liquid metal biotechnologies for our health”
Accounts of Materials Research 2, 858-862 (2021).
Invited paper. Elected as front cover art.
All publications
*: Corresponding Author
80) Yun Qi, Eijiro Miyako*
"Multifunctional magnetic ionic liquid-carbon nanohorn complexes for targeted cancer theranostics"
Small Science In Press (2025).
Selected to be featured on the front cover art of the issue. Press released from JAIST. Highlighted in news media (EurekAlert, AlphaGalileo, Phys Org, Bioengineer Org, News Medical, AZoNano, ScienceDaily, ecancer, medtour, and Ma Clinique, etc.).
79) Mikako Miyahara, Yuki Doi, Naoki Takaya, Eijiro Miyako*
"Photocatalytic scaffolds enhance anticancer performances of bacterial consortium AUN"
Chemical Engineering Journal 499, 156378 (2024).
Press released from JAIST. Highlighted in news media (EurekAlert, AlphaGalileo, Phys Org, Newsweek Japan, Yahoo News Japan, News Medical, GEN News, the microbiologists, ecancer, Inside Precision Medicine, and Ma Clinique, etc.).
78) Miranda Oungeun, Supason Wanichwecharungruang*, Eijiro Miyako*
"Wireless light-emitting diode-driven functional microneedle devices for skin cancer therapy"
Advanced Therapeutics 7, 2400233 (2024).
Elected as a "Hot Topic: Tumors & Cancer" in Wiley-VCH.
77) Kotaro Sakamoto*, Taisei Nishiyama, Eijiro Miyako*
Advanced Therapeutics 7, 2400278 (2024).
Elected as a "Hot Topic: Tumors & Cancer" in Wiley-VCH.
76) Nina Sang, Yun Qi, Shun Nishimura, Eijiro Miyako*
"Biomimetic functional nanocomplexes for photothermal cancer chemoimmunotheranostics"
Small Science 4, 2400324 (2024).
Selected to be featured on the back cover art of the issue. Press released from JAIST. Highlighted in news media (Hokkoku Shimbun, Kagaku Shimbun, EurekAlert, AlphaGalileo, Phys Org, Miragenews, Bioengineer Org, Nanowerk, News Medical, ecancer, Ma Clinique, Datilin, Madarinian News, and Scienmag, etc.).
75) Kotaro Sakamoto*, Seigo Iwata, Zihao Jin, Lu Chen, Tatsunori Miyaoka, Mei Yamada, Kaiga Katahira, Rei Yokoyama, Ami Ono, Satoshi Asano, Kotaro Tanimoto, Rika Ishimura, Shinsaku Nakagawa, Takatsugu Hirokawa, Yukio Ago*, Eijiro Miyako*
JACS Au 4, 2811-2817 (2024).
Selected to be featured on the cover art of the issue. Press released from JAIST. Highlighted in news media (Hokkoku Shimbun, EurekAlert, AlphaGalileo, Phys Org, Neuroscience News, Neuroscience News, News Medical, Bioengineer Org, Science Blog, and Miragenews, etc.).
74) Tomoka Hirose, Robin Rajan, Eijiro Miyako*, Kazuaki Matsumura*
"Liquid metal–polymer nano-microconjugations as an injectable and photo-activatable drug carrier"
Molecular Systems Design & Engineering 9, 781-789 (2024).
73) Tengfei Wang, Yun Qi, Eijiro Miyako*, Alberto Bianco*, Cécilia Ménard-Moyon*
Small 20, 2307337 (2024).
Press released from JAIST. Highlighted in news media (Hokkoku Shimbun, EurekAlert, AlphaGalileo, Phys. Org, Nanowerk, World Pharma News, Drug Target Review, Scienmag, Science Times, AZoNano, and Miragenews, etc.).
72) Soudamini Sai Vimala Veera Chintalapati, Seigo Iwata, Mikako Miyahara, Eijiro Miyako*
"Tumor-isolated Cutibacterium acnes as an effective tumor suppressive living drug"
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 170, 116041 (2024).
71) Sheethal Reghu, Seigo Iwata, Satoru Komatsu, Takafumi Nakajo, Eijiro Miyako*
"Cancer immunotheranostics using bioactive nanocoated photosynthetic bacterial complexes"
Nano Today 52, 101966 (2023).
Elected as the front cover picture. Press released from JAIST. Highlighted in news media (Hokkoku Shimbun, The Nikkei (The Nihon Keizai Shimbun), Nikkei Business Daily, EurekAlert, AlphaGalileo, Phys Org, NEWS Medical, Bioengineer, and Nouvelles Du Monde, etc.).
70) Yun Qi, Mikako Miyahara, Seigo Iwata, Eijiro Miyako*
"Light-activatable liquid metal immunostimulants for cancer nanotheranostics"
Advanced Functional Materials 34, 2305886 (2024). (First published online on 28th July 2023)
Invited paper. Elected as a "Hot Topic: Tumors & Cancer" in Wiley-VCH. Selected to be featured on the back cover of the issue. Press released from JAIST. Highlighted in news media (Hokkoku Shimbun, Hokuriku Chunichi Shimbun, EurekAlert, AlphaGalileo, Phys Org, Nano Werk, NEWS Medical Life Science, Mirage News, Biotech News, Bioengineer, and Nouvelles Du Monde, etc.).
69) Yamato Goto, Seigo Iwata, Mikako Miyahara, Eijiro Miyako*
"Discovery of intratumoral oncolytic bacteria toward targeted anticancer theranostics"
Advanced Science 10, 23016 (2023).
Preprint: bioRxiv 26 Oct 16:50 (2022) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.10.25.513676
Featured on a frontispiece (cover picture) in issue 20 of Advanced Science. Elected as a "Hot Topic: Tumors & Cancer" in Wiley-VCH. Press released from JAIST. Highlighted in news media (Advanced Science News, JST News, Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Tokyo Shimbun, Hokkoku Shimbun, Zaikei Shimbun, Yahoo News, Science Portal, University Journal, TABI LABO, EurekAlert, AlphaGalileo, News Medical, Medical Xpress, Labiotech, Technology Networks, The Microbiologist, Big News Network, and Physician's Weekly etc.).
68) Kotaro Sakamoto*, Wararat Kittikulsuth, Eijiro Miyako, Akumwami Steeve, Rika Ishimura, Shinsaku Nakagawa, Yukio Ago, Akira Nishiyama
PLOS ONE 18, e0286651 (2023).
67) Kotaro Sakamoto*, Yun Qi, Eijiro Miyako*
Scientific Reports 13, 518 (2023).
66) Sheethal Reghu, Eijiro Miyako*
Nano Letters 22, 1880-1888 (2022).
Press released from JAIST. Highlighted in news media (EurekAlert, AlphaGalileo, Phys Org, News Medical, Florida News Times, Nano Magazine, Physics World, and Nanowerk etc.).
65) Qi Yun, Atsushi Kimura, Mitsumasa Taguchi, Eijiro Miyako*
Applied Materials Today 26, 101302 (2022).
Press released from JAIST and QST. Highlighted in news media (EurekAlert, AlphaGalileo, Phys Org, and Bioengineer.org etc.).
64) Nishant Kumar, Sajid Fazal, Eijiro Miyako*, Kazuaki Matsumura*, Robin Rajan*
"Avengers against cancer: A new era of nano-biomaterial-based therapeutics"
Materials Today 51, 317-349 (2021).
Elected as inner cover art.
63) Eijiro Miyako*
"Convergence of liquid metal biotechnologies for our health"
Accounts of Materials Research 2, 858-862 (2021).
Invited paper. Elected as front cover art.
62) Xi Yang, Satoru Komatsu, Sheethal Reghu, Eijiro Miyako*
"Optically activatable photosynthetic bacteria-based highly tumor specific immunotheranostics"
Nano Today 37, 101100 (2021).
Press released from JAIST and highlighted in many media (EurekAlert, AlphaGalileo, Phys Org, Science Daily, News Medical Life Sciences, Media IT Tech, Globe Health News, Health Safe Tips, Health Care Forbes, Eminetra, Western Online News, Technology Times, Holapty, Head lines Mania, Nach-Welt, Oncology News Australia, 4 State News, Washington News Post, Daily Post USA, Genius-Science etc.).
61) Sari Takada, Eri Hirata*, Masatoshi Sakairi, Eijiro Miyako, Yuta Takano, Natsumi Ushijima, Masako
Yudasaka, Sumio Iijima, Atsuro Yokoyama
"Carbon nanohorn coating by electrodeposition accelerate bone formation on titanium implant"
Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology 49, 20-29 (2021).
60) Wanjie Xie, Francois-Marie Allioux, Jian Zhen Ou, Eijiro Miyako, Shi-Yang Tang, Kourosh Kalantar-Zadeh*
"Gallium-based liquid metal particles for therapeutics"
Trends in Biotechnology 39, 624-640 (2021).
59) Jia Wang, Priyanshu Bharagava, Yue Yu, Anissa Nofita Sari, Huayue Zhang, Noriyuki Ishii, Kangmin Yan, Zhenya Zhang, Yoshiyuki Ishida, Keiji Terao, Sunil C. Kaul, Eijiro Miyako, Renu Wadhwa*
Cancers (Basel) 12, 2370 (2020).
58) Yue Yu, Xi Yang, Sheethal Reghu, Sunil C. Kaul, Renu Wadhwa, Eijiro Miyako*
"Photothermogenetic inhibition of cancer stemness by near-infrared-light-activatable nanocomplexes"
Nature Communications 11, 4117 (2020).
Featured in a Nature Communications Editors’ Highlights. Press released from JAIST and highlighted in many media (EurekAlert, AlphaGalileo, Science Daily, News Medical Life Sciences, Bioengineer, News Colony, Microbioz India, ScienMag, MedicalXpress etc.)
57) Xi Yang, Eijiro Miyako*
iScience 23, 101188 (2020).
Press released from Cell Press. Highlighted in a lot of information media (Science, Chemistry World, CNN, BBC News, The New York Times, New York Post, abc 17 News, AFP, EurekAlert!, Yahoo News!, Phys Org, Science News, Raw Story, IFLScience, Today News Post, New Scientist, C Net, Science Daily, Smithsonian Magazine, Arab News, i News, France 24, South China Morning Post, Crumpe, Newsbreak, Tell Us Daily, Plant World News, World Best News, News Flash, Lightly News, Dailymotion The Citizen, RTBF, MSN, Radio-Canada, Technologie Média, World News, Cllickr News, KITV Honolulu, Lu HuffPost, Actu Orange, IFLScience, Sports Radio 1270, KABC, SuperTalk1570, KMJ Now, TheSportsAnimal, WXOK-AM, News Channel 21, 94.5 KSMB, KRDO, KFRU-AM, KVIA, 105.7 The X, WGOW 1150 AM, KLIK 1240 AM, Telemetro, etc.)
56) Sheethal Reghu, Hui You, Kalaivani Seenivasan, Shun Nishimura, Toshiaki Taniike, Eijiro Miyako*
"Design and control of bioinspired millibots"
Advanced Intelligent Systems 2, 2000059 (2020).
Elected as "Back Cover". Highlighted in Advanced Science News.
55) Matteo Andrea Lucherelli, Yue Yu, Giacomo Reina, Gonzalo Abellán, Eijiro Miyako*, Alberto Bianco*
"Rational chemical multifunctionalization of graphene interface enhances targeting cancer therapy"
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59, 14034-14039 (2020).
Elected as "Inside Back Cover". Press released from JAIST and highlighted in many media (EurekAlert, AlphaGalileo, Phys. Org., Nanotechnlogy Now, The Medical News, GEN, Nano Werk, AlphaGalileo, 7th Space Family Portal, Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News, and News Medical Life Sciences etc.)
54) Teng-Fei Fan, Youngkyu Hwang, Michael G. Potroz, Kai-Lin Lau, Ee-Lin Tan, Mohammed Shahrudin Ibrahim, Eijiro Miyako, Nam-Joon Cho*
"Degradation of the sporopollenin exine capsules (SECs) in human plasma"
Applied Materials Today 19, 100594 (2020).
53) Kensuke Igarashi, Eijiro Miyako, Souichiro Kato*
"Direct interspecies electron transfer mediated by graphene oxide-based materials"
Frontiers in Microbiology 10, 3068 (2020).
Invited paper.
52) Yue Yu, Xi Yang, Ming Liu, Masahiro Nishikawa, Takahiro Tei, Eijiro Miyako*
“Anticancer drug delivery to cancer cells using alkyl amine-functionalized nanodiamond supraparticles”
Nanoscale Advances 1, 3406-3412 (2019).
Invited paper. Elected as "Outside Front Cover".
51) Yue Yu, Xi Yang, Ming Liu, Masahiro Nishikawa, Takahiro Tei, Eijiro Miyako*
“Multifunctional cancer phototherapy using fluorophore-functionalized nanodiamond supraparticles”
ACS Applied Bio Materials 2, 3693-3705 (2019).
50) Yue Yu, Jia Wang, Sunil Kaul, Renu Wadhwa*, Eijiro Miyako*
Frontiers in Oncology 9, 602 (2019).
49) Teng-Fei Fan, Michael G. Potroz, Ee-Lin Tan, Mohammed Shahrudin Ibrahim, Eijiro Miyako, Nam-Joon Cho*
"Species-specific biodegradation of sporopollenin-based microcapsules"
Scientific Reports 9, 9626 (2019).
Before Joining JAIST
48) Yue Yu, Xi Yang, Ming Liu, Masahiro Nishikawa, Takahiro Tei, Eijiro Miyako*
“Amphipathic nanodiamond supraparticles for anticancer drug loading and delivery”
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11, 18978-18987 (2019).
47) Hokyun Chin, Jurriaan J. J. Gillissen, Eijiro Miyako, Nam-Joon Cho*
"Microfluidic liquid cell chamber for scanning probe microscopy measurement application"
Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 046105 (2019).
46) Teng-Fei Fan, Michael G. Potroz, Ee-Lin Tan, Jae H. Park, Eijiro Miyako*, Nam-Joon Cho*
"Human blood plasma catalyses the degradation of Lycopodium plant sporoderm microcapsules"
Scientific Reports 9, 2944 (2019).
45) Arun Kumar Prabhakar, Michael G. Potroz, Soohyun Park, Eijiro Miyako*, Nam-Joon Cho*
“Spatially controlled molecular encapsulation in natural pine pollen microcapsules”
Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 35, 1800151 (2018).
Elected as "Front Cover Art".
44) Yue Yu, Eijiro Miyako*
iScience 3, 134-148 (2018).
Elected as "Front Cover Art".
43) Yue Yu, Eijiro Miyako*
“Recent advances in liquid metal manipulation toward soft robotics and biotechnologies”
Chemistry—A European Journal 24, 9456-9462 (2018).
Invited Review Article. Elected as "Reviews Showcase".
42) Yue Yu, Masahiro Nishikawa, Ming Liu, Takahiro Tei, Sunil C. Kaul, Renu Wadhawa, Minfang Zhang, Junko Takahashi, Eijiro Miyako*
“Self-assembled nanodiamond supraparticles for anticancer chemotherapy”
Nanoscale 10, 8969-8978 (2018).
Elected as "Back Cover Art".
41) Yue Yu, Eijiro Miyako*
“Manipulation of biomolecule-modified liquid-metal blobs”
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 56, 13606-13611 (2017).
40) Svetlana A. Chechetka, Yue Yu, Xu Zhen, Manojit Pramanik, Kanyi Pu, Eijiro Miyako*
“Light-driven liquid metal nanotransformers for biomedical theranostics”
Nature Communications 8, 15432 (2017).
39) Svetlana A. Chechetka, Yue Yu, Masayoshi Tange, Eijiro Miyako*
“Materially engineered artificial pollinators”
Chem 2, 224-239 (2017).
Elected as "Front Cover Art". Highlighted in Preview of Chem. Press released in Cell Press. Highlighted in a lot of information media (ABC.au, ABC Radio.au, ABC.es, the Australian.au, Boing Boing, Christian Science Monitor, C & EN, China Science Daily.cn, CNN, The Conversation, Daily Caller, Daily Dot, Daily Mail.uk, Discovery Channel Seeker, the Economist, Forbes, Geek, Gizmodo, Huffington Post.au, i.uk, IFLscience, Inhabitat, International Business Times, Kurier.at, LiveScience, Los Angeles Times, the Mary Sue, Mashable, NBC News, New Scientist, Newsweek, Newsy (video), New York Post, NZZ.ch, Orf.at, le Parisien.fr, Popular Mechanics, Popular Science, la Presse.ca, Quartz, the Register.uk, San Diego Union-Tribune, San Francisco Gate, Science/AAAS, Scientific American, Smithsonian, Standard.at, Sueddeutsche.de, Technology Review, Times.uk, the Verge, Vesti.ru, VICE Motherboard, VNexpress.vn, Wired.de, Wired.it, Wired.uk, Wyborcza.pl, Yahoo! News, ZDnet, Zeit.de, etc.).
38) Yue Yu, Shashank P. Katiyar, Durai Sundar, Zeenia Kaul, Eijiro Miyako, Zhen Zhang, Sunil C. Kaul*, Roger R. Reddel, Renu Wadhwa*
Cell Death & Disease 8, e2755 (2017).
37) Svetlana A. Chechetka, Motomichi Doi, Benoit P. Pichon, Sylvie Bégin-Colin, Eijiro Miyako*
“Photothermal and mechanical stimulation of cells via dualfunctional nanohybrids”
Nanotechnology 27, 475102-475112 (2016).
Highlighted in Nanotechweb.
36) Yan Lyu, Chen Xie, Svetlana A. Chechetka, Eijiro Miyako*, Kanyi Pu*
“Semiconducting polymer nanobioconjugates for targeted photothermal activation of neurons”
Journal of the American Chemical Society 138, 9049-9052 (2016).
Elected as the "top 1%" highly cited paper by Web of Science.
35) Eri Hirata*, Eijiro Miyako, Nobutaka Hanagata, Natsumi Ushijima, Norihito Sakaguchi, Julie Russier, Masako Yudasaka, Sumio Iijima, Alberto Bianco, Atsuro Yokoyama
“Carbon nanohorns allow acceleration of osteoblast differentiation via macrophage activation”
Nanoscale 8, 14514-14522 (2016).
34) Svetlana A. Chechetka, Eijiro Miyako*
“Optical regulation of carbon nanodots by chemical functionalization”
Chemistry Letters 45, 854-856 (2016).
33) Svetlana A. Chechetka, Eijiro Miyako*
“Bioinspired polyaniline-functional natural hairs for pollen protection”
ChemistrySelect 1, 1061-1065 (2016).
32) Svetlana A. Chechetka, Eiji Yuba, Kenji Kono, Masako Yudasaka, Alberto Bianco, Eijiro Miyako*
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 55, 6476-6481 (2016).
Elected as "Very Important Paper (VIP)".
31) Svetlana A. Chechetka, Eijiro Miyako*
“Light-active carbon nanodots from autoclaved bioresources”
ChemistrySelect 1, 608-611(2016).
30) Wuxiao Ding*, Svetlana A. Chechetka, Mitsutoshi Masuda, Toshimi Shimizu, Masaru Aoyagi, Hiroyuki Minamikawa, Eijiro Miyako*
Chemistry—A European Journal 22, 4345-4350 (2016).
Elected as "Hot Paper" and "Inside Cover Art".
29) Eijiro Miyako*, Benoit P. Pichon, Cécilia Ménard-Moyon, Isabella Anna Vacchi, Christophe Lefèvre, Sylvie Bégin-Colin, Alberto Bianco*
“Design, synthesis, characterization and properties of magnetic nanoparticle-nanocarbon hybrids”
Carbon 96, 49-56 (2016).
28) Minfang Zhang*, Toshiya Okazaki, Yoko Iizumi, Eijiro Miyako, Ryota Yuge, Shunji Bandow, Sumio Iijima, Masako Yudasaka
Journal of Materials Chemistry B 4, 121-127 (2016).
27) Svetlana A. Chechetka, Minfang Zhang, Masako Yudasaka, Eijiro Miyako*
“Physicochemically functionalized carbon nanohorns for multi-dimensional cancer elimination”
Carbon 97, 45–53 (2016).
Invited paper.
26) Eijiro Miyako*, Svetlana A. Chechetka, Motomichi Doi, Eiji Yuba, Kenji Kono
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54, 9903–9906 (2015).
Press released in AIST. Highlighted in a lot of information media (Nikkan Kogyo, Kagaku and Zaikei Shimbun, J-Net21 etc.).
25) Svetlana A. Chechetka, Benoit Pichon, Minfang Zhang, Masako Yudasaka, Sylvie Bégin-Colin, Alberto Bianco, Eijiro Miyako*
“Multifunctional carbon nanohorn complexes for cancer treatment”
Chemistry - An Asian Journal 10, 160–165 (2015).
24) Eijiro Miyako*, Julie Russier, Matteo Mauro, Cristina Cebrian, Hiromu Yawo, Cécilia Ménard-Moyon, James A. Hutchison, Masako Yudasaka, Sumio Iijima, Luisa De Cola, Alberto Bianco*
“Photofunctional nanomodulators for bioexcitation”
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53, 13121–13125 (2014).
Press released in AIST and CNRS, Newspapers (Kagaku Kogyo Nippo and Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun etc).
23) Mei Yang, Minfang Zhang, Yoshio Tahara, Svetlana A. Chechetka, Eijiro Miyako, Sumio Iijima, Masako Yudasaka*
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 280, 117–126 (2014).
22) Eijiro Miyako*, Takushi Sugino, Toshiya Okazaki, Alberto Bianco, Masako Yudasaka, Sumio Iijima
ACS Nano 7, 8736–8742 (2013).
Elected as a press release of American Chemical Society. Highlighted in many information media such as New Scientist, The Japan Daily Press, and Biophotinics etc.
21) Masanori Horie*, Lilian Kaede Komaba, Hiroko Fukui, Haruhisa Kato, Shigehisa Endoh, Ayako Nakamura, Arisa Miyauchi, Junko Maru, Eijiro Miyako, Katsuhide Fujita, Yoshihisa Hagihara, Yasukazu Yoshida, Hitoshi Iwahashi
“Evaluation of the biological influence of a stable carbon nanohorn dispersion”
Carbon 54, 155–167 (2013).
20) Eijiro Miyako*, Kenji Kono, Eiji Yuba, Chie Hosokawa, Hidenori Nagai, Yoshihisa Hagihara
“Carbon nanotube-liposome supramolecular nanotrains for intelligent molecular-transport systems”
Nature Communications 3, 1226 (2012).
Highlighted in Nature Japan and BPoD. Press released in AIST, Newspapers (Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun, Kagaku Kogyo Nippo, Nikkei Biotech, Nikkei Press Release etc.).
19) Eijiro Miyako*, Tomonori Deguchi, Yoshihiro Nakajima, Masako Yudasaka, Yoshihisa Hagihara, Masanori Horie, Mototada Shichiri, Yuriko Higuchi, Fumiyoshi Yamashita, Mitsuru Hashida, Yasushi Shigeri, Yasukazu Yoshida, Sumio Iijima*
“Photothermic regulation of gene expression triggered by laser-induced carbon nanohorns”
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109, 7523–7528 (2012).
Press released in AIST. Highlighted in Newspapers (Asahi Shimbun, Yomiuri Shimbun, Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Kagaku Kogyo Nippo etc.).
18) Eijiro Miyako*, Chie Hosokawa, Masami Kojima, Masako Yudasaka, Ryoji Funahashi,Isao Oishi, Yoshihisa Hagihara, Mototada Shichiri, Mizuki Takashima, Keiko Nishio, Yasukazu Yoshida
“A photo-thermal-electrical converter based on carbon nanotubes for bioelectronic applications”
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 50, 12266–12270 (2011).
Elected as a press release of Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.. Highlighted in various information media such as Nature, Chemistryview, Nanowerk and Physorg etc. Press released in AIST and highlighted in Newspapers (Asahi Shimbun, Mainichi Shimbun, Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Kagaku Shimbun, Dempa Shimbun etc.).
17) Eijiro Miyako*, Hideya Nagata, Ken Hirano, Takahiro Hirotsu
“Micropatterned carbon nanotube–gel composite as photothermal material”
Advanced Materials 21, 2819–2823 (2009).
16) Eijiro Miyako*, Hideya Nagata, Ken Hirano, Takahiro Hirotsu
“Laser-triggered carbon nanotube microdevice for remote control of biocatalytic reactions”
Lab on a Chip 9, 788–794 (2009).
Elected as “Top 10 article” in BioMedLib.
15) Eijiro Miyako*, Tamitake Itoh, Yoji Nara, Takahiro Hirotsu
“Ionic liquids on photoinduced nanotube composite arrays as a reaction medium”
Chemistry—A European Journal 15, 7520–7525 (2009).
14) Eijiro Miyako*, Hideya Nagata, Ryoji Funahashi, Ken Hirano, Takahiro Hirotsu
“Light-triggered thermoelectric conversion based on a carbon nanotube–polymer hybrid gel”
ChemSusChem 2, 419–422 (2009).
Elected as “Top 10 article” in BioMedLib.
13) Eijiro Miyako*, Hideya Nagata, Ryoji Funahashi, Ken Hirano, Takahiro Hirotsu
“Light-driven thermoelectric conversion based on a carbon nanotube–ionic liquid gel composite”
ChemSusChem 2, 740–742 (2009).
12) Eijiro Miyako* Hideya Nagata, Ken Hirano, Takahiro Hirotsu
“Carbon nanotube–polymer composite for light-driven microthermal control”
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 47, 3610–3613 (2008).
Highlighted in Nature Asia Materials.
11) Eijiro Miyako*, Hideya Nagata, Ken Hirano, Takahiro Hirotsu
“Photodynamic thermoresponsive nanocarbon–polymer gel hybrids”
Small 4, 1711–1715 (2008).
10) Eijiro Miyako*, Hideya Nagata, Ken Hirano, Kotaro Sakamoto, Yoji Makita, Ken-ichi Nakayama, Takahiro Hirotsu
“Photoinduced antiviral carbon nanohorns”
Nanotechnology 19, 075106–075111 (2008).
Highlighted in Nanotechweb.
9) Eijiro Miyako*, Hideya Nagata, Ken Hirano, Yoji Makita, Takahiro Hirotsu
“Photodynamic release of fullerenes from within carbon nanohorn”
Chemical Physics Letters 456, 220–222 (2008).
8) Eijiro Miyako*, Hideya Nagata, Ken Hirano, Yoji Makita, Ken-ichi Nakayama,Takahiro Hirotsu
“Near-infrared laser-triggered carbon nanohorns for selective elimination of microbes”
Nanotechnology 18, 475103–475110 (2007).
Highlighted in Nanotechweb.
7) Eijiro Miyako, Tatsuo Maruyama*, Fukiko Kubota, Noriho Kamiya, Masahiro Goto*
Langmuir 21, 4674–4679 (2005).
6) Eijiro Miyako, Tatsuo Maruyama*, Noriho Kamiya, Masahiro Goto*
Chemistry—A European Journal 11, 1163–1170 (2005).
5) Eijiro Miyako, Tatsuo Maruyama, Noriho Kamiya, Masahiro Goto*
“Selective separation of organic acids through a lipase-facilitated organogel membrane”
Membrane 29, 236–243 (2004).
4) Eijiro Miyako, Tatsuo Maruyama, Noriho Kamiya, Masahiro Goto*
Journal of the American Chemical Society 126, 8622–8623 (2004).
3) Eijiro Miyako, Tatsuo Maruyama, Noriho Kamiya, Masahiro Goto*
Chemical Communications 2926–2927 (2003).
Selected as “Hot Paper”.
2) Eijiro Miyako, Tatsuo Maruyama, Noriho Kamiya, Masahiro Goto*
“Transport of organic acids through a supported liquid membrane driven by lipase-catalyzed reactions”
Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 96, 370–374 (2003).
1) Eijiro Miyako, Tatsuo Maruyama, Noriho Kamiya, Masahiro Goto*
“Use of ionic liquids in a lipase-facilitated supported liquid membrane”
Biotechnology Letters 25, 805–808 (2003).
Research Reports and Other Publications
2) Eijiro Miyako*
“From light to heat! Sophisticated use of carbon nanohors”
Gendaikagaku (現代化学) 499 (10), 40–44 (2012).
1) Eijiro Miyako*
“Development of functional carbon nanohorn complexes”
Kagaku to kogyo (化学と工業) 64 (11), 891 (2011).